

2thePoint Communication Dr. Margit Eva Kaluza-Baumruker

+43 664 6108453

Messingerplatz 4/6/4, 2344 Maria Enzersdorf

ATU76830967, IBAN: AT92 1200 0100 3345 8521, BIC: BKAUATWW

Object of the company: Business consulting including business organization, limited to marketing and sales; Public Relations Consultant

Regulatory Authority: Mödling District Authority

2thePoint Communication Mag. Barbara Hackl

+43 664 6108460

Mommsengasse 19/17, 1040 Wien

Landstraße 57/10, 4020 Linz

ATU77431101, IBAN: AT531500000711562736, BIC: OBKLAT2L

Object of the company: Business consulting including business organization, limited to marketing and sales;Public Relations Consultant

Regulatory authority: City of Vienna City Council, City of Linz City Council

Photo Awards: Effies Credit IAA

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